Barguna Polytechnic Institute is a government-owned institute for technical education. I have collected a lot of information about this polytechnic institute and I’m going to add all the important information to this blog. If you want to know in details about the Barguna Polytechnic Institute, I hope this article is helpful for you. So read the full article carefully.
Table of Contents
About Barguna Polytechnic Institute
Barguna Polytechnic Institute is a well-known polytechnic institute in Bangladesh. This polytechnic Institute provides a diploma in engineering courses in various technology. The academic activities of this polytechnic are controlled by Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB). This polytechnic has a large campus in Urban areas and also has a good environment for study. The institute is situated at Barguna near the ‘Khakdon’ river in Bangladesh. It is about 3 kilometres west of the main town of Barguna.
Students Residential Hostel
This polytechnic has the Hostel faculties. There is the Residential Hostel into the institute campus for the student’s accommodation at a low cost. Both male and female students can stay at hostels. There are different hostels for girls and boys.
Library And Medical Center
There is a library in this polytechnic institute. The library contains a lot of domestic and foreign books these will increase student’s knowledge. To ensure the institute students with the medical treatment there is a medical centre in this polytechnic institute.
There is a canteen available in this institute. The authority of canteen serves the fresh and quality food for the institute students.
There a vast playground in this polytechnic institute. Some times the students getting tired with their academic studies, to clean up the tiredness they can play in this playground.
History Of Barguna Polytechnic Institute
Barguna Polytechnic Institute was established in 2006 in Barguna district. There are 49 government polytechnic institutes across in different places all over Bangladesh. The Barguna polytechnic institute is one of them. Like the other government polytechnic, this polytechnic also controlled by BTEB.

Educational Information
Barguna Polytechnic Institue is one of an ideal educational platform based on technical education. According to the quality teachers, educational environment of this Institute. The facilities of the Institute is the best things in Barguna Polytechnic.
Departments with Seat Number
There are a total of 5 technology available in Barguna Polytechnic Institute the technologies are Computer Technology, Electronics Technology, Civil Technology, Environment Technology, and RAC Technology. Each technology holds 50 seats in each shift.
Departments | Seat Number |
Computer Technology | 50 |
Electronics Technology | 50 |
Civil Technology | 50 |
Environment Technology | 50 |
RAC Technology | 50 |
Admission Qualification
The students who want to admit in this polytechnic institute they have some qualification. First of all the candidates must have to pass the SSC examination in a minimum CGPA 3.50 ( Female students need 3.00) and individual GPA 3.00 in math or higher math.
Admission Quota
Some of the quotas have been preserved in this polytechnic institute at the time of admission. Among the total quotas 20% is for the female student, SSC vocational quotas 15%, minor ethnic group quota 2%, freedom fighter 5%, special needs student quota 5%.
Course Information
The polytechnic offers a four-year course of study leading to a Diploma in Engineering in one of five specialities.
Class Schedule
There are two shifts of classes, first shift in the morning and second shift later in the day. The class of the Morning Shift start from 8 AM and ends at 1 PM. The second shift starts from 2 PM and ends within 6 to 7 PM.
There is an internal Scholarship facility in all government polytechnic institute, Barguna Polytechnic is not out of that.
Contact Information And Official Website
Address: Potuakhali, Dhalua, Barguna
Phone: 88-0446-63460, 01190-964071
Fax: 88-0446-63460