Bogra Polytechnic Institute, become the top two times among the Polytechnic Institutes in Bangladesh. Bogra Polytechnic Institute (BPI), is one of the largest Government polytechnics among all polytechnics Institutes. BPI is proud of still being an apolitical educational Institute. I personally know about BPI. Do you want to know about this polytechnic institute? Just read this article carefully, here you will find all about Bogra Polytechnic Institute.
Table of Contents
About Bogra Polytechnic Institute
Bogura Polytechnic Institute is a government-controlled polytechnic in Bangladesh. We know a total of 49 government polytechnic institutes available in Bangladesh, Bogra Polytechnic Institute is one of them. Bogura Polytechnic is a renowned institute at the technical level, which is located at Sherpur Road, Colony, in the southern part of Bogra city in Bangladesh. It is near the Vocational Teachers Training Institute (VTTI) and Police Lines.

Students Residential Hostel
This institute has its hostels to stay with the students. Among the hostels, two of them are for male students, and one is for female students.
Hostels Names:
- North Hostel
- South Hostel
- Korotoa Girls Hostel
Library And Medical Center
The Bogra Polytechnic Institute has a fascinating Library. Where a lot of books are available. The Institute students can read these books free. Also, this polytechnic has a department-wise research cell in the library room. There is a medical center to ensure the medical treatment of the students.
There is a canteen full of quality foods at this institute. This canteen has a characteristic of it, and that is the students can buy food from here at a low cost. The students can also spend their past time in this canteen.
This polytechnic has a large playground. On this playground, there are many types of games that have been played like cricket, football, Badminton, Kabaddi, etc.
History Of Bogra Polytechnic Institute
The institute’s activities began in 1962 at the industrial building of the Edward Industrial School in Bogra city center (Sathmatha). The company started its journey with civil and power technology.
Later, the institute was shifted to the current Vocational Teachers Training Institute campus on Sherpur Road with various technologies to rename the Bogura Polytechnic Institute to promote technical education. Further technology was added in light of the government’s decision. The current infrastructure is built under the World Bank’s IDA credit.

Educational Information
Bogra Polytechnic Institute’s departments, Admission Qualification, Admission Quota, Course Information, Class Schedule, Scholarship, and other educational information are given below.
Departments With Seat Number
The Bogra polytechnic institute has a total of 9 departments; these are Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, Power, Refrigeration & air-condition Mining & Mine Survey, Tourism, and Hospitality. All the departments have a limited seat number. The department’s wise seat number has given in the below chart.
Technology Name | Seat Number |
Civil Technology | 200 |
Electrical Technology | 200 |
Mechanical Technology | 200 |
Electronics Technology | 100 |
Computer Technology | 100 |
Power Technology | 100 |
Refrigeration & air-condition Department | 100 |
Mining & Mine Survey Technology | 100 |
Tourism and Hospitality Technology | 100 |
Bogra Polytechnic Institute Admission
You know, to admission to any government polytechnic institute in Bangladesh first, the students have to pass the SSC exam with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 and an individual CGPA of 3.00 in General Math or Higher Math. If you have these qualifications, you can apply to admit on Bogra Polytechnic Institute.
Admission Quota
All the government polytechnic has been preserved some quotas. The female quota is 20%, SSC (vocational) 15%, minor ethnic group quota 2%, freedom fighter 5%, special needs student quota 5%, and 2% for children of officials or employees who are working in the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment. According to the diploma engineering admission circular 2019, 53% of students will be admitted to polytechnic diploma engineering by merit, and 47% of students will be admitted to the government quota.
Course Information
The duration of the Diploma engineering course is only four years. And these four years are divided into 8 Semesters. Among the eight semesters, seven are for academic education in college and the last semester for the industrial attachments.
Polytechnic College provides an internal merit scholarship. When a student has passed on a semester without any reffard, and then he got 1650 TK as regards the internal scholarship.
Bogra Polytechnic Institute Notice Board
Bogra Polytechnic Institute has a Notice board, all the academic activities are decorated on the notice board. If you want to check out the Bogra polytechnic institute notice board click on the below link.
Bogra Polytechnic institute Admission Circular
Do you want to admit to Bogra Polytechnic Institute? It’s not a big deal. Before apply to admit to the Bogra polytechnic institute the interested candidates must have some qualifications. Click on the below link to more about the Bogra polytechnic institute admission process.
Admission Process Of Bogra Polytechnic Institute
Contact Information And Official Website
You can contact the BPI authority officially if you need it.
Phone: 051-66152
Mobile: 01716991274
Fax: 051-66152
Website: Bogra Polytechnic official website.
If you want to study for a Diploma in Engineering, Bogura Polytechnic must have to be the first choice.