
About Diploma In Computer Engineering

Here I am going to write in detail about the diploma in computer engineering. At first, you have to know about the term, computer engineering. Computer Engineering is a sector of engineering that deals with computer science and electronic engineering to develop computer hardware and software.

Computer engineering is one of the smartest sectors of engineering we know. The importance of computer engineering is increasing gradually but continuously. This engineering branch deals not only with the virtual world we see but also with the physical components of the Computer system. From here you will be able to know more information about the diploma in computer engineering in Bangladesh by reading this article.

More About the Diploma in Computer Engineering

Diploma in Computer Engineering course duration a total of 4 years in Bangladesh. The whole world is becoming dependent on technology and so is Bangladesh. For a developing country like Bangladesh, it is very important to pay attention to increasing the technology site.  Many government and private polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh offer the diploma in computer engineering courses. See below to know more about the diploma in computer engineering syllabus.

Diploma In Computer Engineering Syllabus In Bangladesh

Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) controlled all the academic activities of governments and non-government polytechnic institutes. The syllabus of the Diploma in Computer Engineering is very large, with almost 49-50 books with departmental and non-departmental subjects included in this course. Below I have tried to add all the subject names and code numbers, have a look.

Diploma In Computer Engineering All Semester Book List

The diploma in computer engineering is a 4 years duration course that deals with computer hardware and software. The students are taught various subjects is a total of 4 academic years. Below I have added the computer engineering book list for the semester in the form of charts.

1st Semester Subject List

Subject Name Subject Code
Mathematics‐1 65911
Computer application 66611
Physics‐1 65912
Electrical engineering fundamentals 66712
English 65712
Physical education & life skills development 65812
Bangla 65711

2nd Semester Subject List

Subject Name Subject Code
Database Application 66621
Mathematics-2 65921
IT support System-I 66622
Physics-2 65922
Graphics Design-I 66623
Communicative English 65722
Analog Electronics 66823

3rd Semester Subject List

Subject Name Subject Code
Programming Essentials 66631
Mathematics‐3 65931
Web Design 66632
Chemistry 65913
Graphics design‐II 66633
Social Science 65811
IT support System‐II 66634

4th Semester Subject List

Subject Name Subject Code
Object-Oriented Programming 66641
Web Development 66643
Data Structure & Algorithm 66642
Computer Peripherals 66645
Data Communication System 66644
Business Organization & Communication 65841
The principle of Digital Electronics 66842

5th Semester Subject List

Subject Name Subject Code
Programming in Java 66651
Surveillance Security System 66653
Web Development Project 66654
Operating Systems application 66652
PCB Design and Circuit Making 66656
Accounting Theory & Practice 65851
Sequential Logic System 66655

6th Semester Subject List


Subject Name Subject Code
Principals of Software Engineering 66661
Microcontroller Application 66663
Microprocessor & Interfacing 66662
Optional Subject 6666X
Database Management System 66664
Industrial Management 65852
Environmental Studies 64054

7th Semester Subject List

Subject Name Subject Code
System Analysis & Design 66671
E‐Commerce & CMS 66674
Network Administration & Services 66672
Cyber Security & Ethics 66675
Innovation & Entrepreneurship 65853
Apps Development Project 66673
Optional Subject‐II 6667X

Diploma In Computer Engineering PDF Books

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