Diploma in Fisheries exam routine 2022 has been published. Bangladesh Technical Education Board has finally published the fisheries exam routine on 26/06/2022 on the BTEB’s site. Thousands of students around the country are studying this course, and now is the time for them to sit for the Diploma in Fisheries exam.
This is the 2022 Diploma in Fisheries (In-service) 3rd part 4th batch regular exam routine. So, if you are a student of this course, this routine is for you. For more information, you may visit bteb.gov.bd.
Diploma in Fisheries Exam Routine 2022
Here is the Diploma in Fisheries exam routine 2022 (In-service)l of 3rd part 4th batch (regular). There are seven subjects in this course, so that the exam will be held for seven days from 21/07/2022 to 28/07/2022. Focus on the image below and get detailed information.

I hope this article will be helpful for you if you need more information about any information published by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board.