Polytechnic admission circular 2025 has been published recently. Diploma admission for SSC passed students is now available. Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) is the only governing board for technical education. They have published the admission circular in January 2022, on their official website.
But some students fail to find the admission circular on the official website of BTEB. So here I have added the admission-related necessary information. Read this article attentively and find out the information that you need.
Table of Contents
Diploma Admission 2025 Nitimala
A student must have to go through the online application process. Download Admission Nitimala PDF to know the details about how BTEB will let students admit in the 2021-22 session.
Diploma Admission Key Information
Online Application | MIgration | Result | Online result Confirmation | Admission |
Online Application will go from 08/01/2022 to 17/02/2022 | ——– | 1st Merit: 25/02/2022 | 25/02/2022 to 1/03/2022 | 02/04/2022 to09/04/2022 |
1st Migration: 02/03/2022 | 2nd Merit: 02/003/2022 | 02/03/2022 to 6/03/2022 | ||
2nd Migration: 07/03/2022 | 3rd Merit: 07/03/2022 | 07/03/2022 to12/02/2022 |
Admission Application Process (For all)
Here are details about the diploma admission process for all:

HSC Vocational Diploma Admission Application
Here are polytechnic diploma admission process for vocational background students:

NB: All the details are given in the PDF file added above. Download that PDF file to know the admission nitimala 2021-22 session.
BTEB Admission: Polytechnic Admission Circular 2022
I hope you may know the Admission circular for 2022 has been published. From here you are able to download the full admission circular of the polytechnic admission 2021-2022 session. Read this article attentively and collect your essential information.
Polytechnic Online Admission Application Schedule
After publishing the SSC exam result, the Bangladesh technical board also publish the admission circular. The online Application for polytechnic admission starts from 08 January 2022 to 17 February 2022.
Polytechnic Admission Result Publish Date 2022
The Polytechnic Admission circular 2022 has already been published by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB). The exam result will be published in three phases,
- The 1st merit will be published on 25/02/2022
- The 2nd merit will be published on 02/03/2022
- The 3rd merit will be published on 07/03/2022
Deadline for Confirmation of Polytechnic Admission 2022
After publishing the Polytechnic admission result, candidates have to confirm their admission in time. The whole process is completed within three phases. Here are the phases and deadlines for Polytechnic admission confirmation in 2022.
- Admission confirmation duration for the candidates of 1st merit: 25/02/2022 to 01/03/2022
- Admission confirmation duration for the candidates of 2nd merit: 02/03/2022 to 06/03/2022
- Admission confirmation duration for the candidates of 3rd merit: 07/03/2022 to 12/03/2022
Download the PDF copy of Polytechnic Admission Circular 2022
Diploma In Engineering Admission Instructions
Polytechnic Admission Circular 2022 has been recently published on the official website www.btebadmission.gov.bd by BTEB admission circular notice. You can able to get admission related to all information from the official website of BTEB. But some of the students don’t know about the BTEB admission process, Online form fill-up, and many others.
I can assure you that from this blog, you will acquire the Polytechnic Admission Circular 2022 related to all essential data very quickly and smoothly. Here I have added an image to have a look and know about more.
Polytechnic Admission Requirement
First of all the candidates must pass the SSC or Equivalent exam. The male applicants have a minimum CGPA of 3.50 and an individual CGPA of 3.00 in General Math or Higher Math. And the female students have a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and an individual CGPA of 3.00 in General Math or Higher Math.
Polytechnic Admission Application Fee
If you want to apply for only the first shift, you have to pay 160 TK regards on your application fees. Otherwise, if you’re going to apply for first and second shifts, you have to pay 320 TK by Taletalk, Bkash, Rocket, Sure-Cash.
Polytechnic Admission Application Process
By using the Teletalk mobile phone, go to your message option and write BTAD, space your SSC exam passing year space the first three letters of your education board space type your SSC Roll number space enter your Shift number, and send this SMS to 16222 number
BTEB Admission Apply Method
The Polytechnic admission applies method is very easy. By using the Teletalk mobile phone, go to your message option and write BTAD, space your SSC exam passing year space the first three letters of your education board space type your SSC Roll number space enter your Shift number, and send this SMS to 16222 number.
BTEB Admission Online Application Form Fill Up
The Online Application Form Fill Up is complete with some steps. Below are the steps has given. Check it out.
1st Step
- First, you go to the admission website btebadmission.gov.bd.
- After entering this site, you will see an online form. Now fill up this form with valid information.
- Type your valid Roll Number, Registration Number, education board, Passing year.
- Enter your mobile number.
- Re-types your mobile number for confirmation.
- And finally, check your information, if all data is valid, then click “Next”.
2nd Step
In this step, you have verified the Application payment. You can see a Transaction ID input box. In this box type your Rocket Transaction ID. If your ID is valid, then you have to forward the next step.
3rd Step
Applicant’s information will be displayed in Step 3 and here upload the applicant’s picture (clear color image JPEG format, and not more than 100 KB). If you have any quota, then you should upload the document.
4th Step
In the 4th step (according to the shift option applied to the SMS), all the institutions will be displayed, and from there, you have to choose 10 institutions in every shift. Apart from this, there will be an additional choice for any technology.

Bangladesh Government Polytechnic Institute List
There are a total of 49 Government Polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh. Here is the Bangladesh Government Polytechnic Institute list. Click the given link, and you will get the full list of govt polytechnic Institute of Bangladesh.
I assume, here you have got all the information about the Polytechnic admission circular 2021-22 session. We are always here to help you. Leave a comment if you need anything to know.
Polytechnic Admission Process After Selection
Polytechnic Admission Process After Selection:
How To Pay Polytechnic Admission Fee
There are many ways to pay the polytechnic diploma admission application fee. Such as Teletalk SIM, Bkash, Rocket, Sure Cash. You have to pay 160 BDT for each shift before the polytechnic admission date. If anyone wants to apply for 1st shift and 2nd shift both, then he will need 320 BDT.
Admission Confirmation Fee Process
To confirm your admission in polytechnic diploma admission 2022, you have to pay 385 BDT, here are the details about how you can pay the admission fee.
(A) Payment Through Rocket USSD:
(B) Payment Through DBBL & Rocket:
(C) Payment Through bKash:
Diploma In Engineering Re-admission Notification 2022
Diploma in Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, and Forestry Course recruitment circular. With the approval of the Chairman of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board, all concerned government and non-government organizations are informed that Some students studying in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th phases of the Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Fishery, and Diploma in livestock curriculum need re-admission. After accepting the application and necessary documents of such students, re-admission has been approved subject to the approval of the Chairman in the light of the general policy of re-admission in the relevant regulations.
Here is the notice regarding the re-admission of the Diploma in Engineering course.
List of students re-admitted to the Diploma in Engineering course
Here is the list of the students re-admitted to the Diploma in Engineering course. Re-admission fees and other necessary documents have to be submitted to the board on 20 June 2022 and the result of the re-admission will be published on 22 June 2022.
As this is a long list of students, it is almost impossible to upload all the pages here. So I have added here the pdf link of the students’ list. Just click on it.
Important FAQ Related to Diploma Admission 2022
I guess you have successfully applied for the BTEB polytechnic admission of your XI class. We’ve tried to add all the information in this article. Do you still have anything else to know related to the polytechnic diploma admission 2021-2022 session? Here we have added some important FAQs related to diploma admission, have a look; I hope it helps.
How Many Govt. Are there any polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh?
Ans: There are a total of 49 Government Polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh.
Which Polytechnic is the Best in Bangladesh?
Ans: Bangladesh Sweden Polytechnic Institute is now declared the best polytechnic Institut in Bangladesh.
What is the Official Website of BTEB?
Ans: bteb.gov.bd is the official website of BTEB for all news, notice, updates, and btebadmission.gov.bd is the official website of BTEB admission notice.
What is Auto Migration?
Ans: When you apply for a polytechnic diploma admission, there is a series of institute choices. If Automigration stays on while you are applying, you will be got promoted to the upper serial of your institute choice.
When Does Auto Migration Work?
Ans: If the seats are available at the top of any institute of the choice order and the auto migration is open, your results will go to the upper institutes. After the 1st merit list results, there will be the 1st auto migration, and after the results of the 2nd merit list, there will be 2nd auto migration. There will be auto migration every time the waiting list is published. If auto migration is open, you will have to study at the upper institutes you have chosen.
Say you have three choices:
- 1st: Dhaka Polytechnic Institute
- 2nd: Bangladesh Sweden Polytechnic Institute
- 3rd: Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute
After the first merit list, you have been selected for the Rajshahi Polytechnic. But if you have turned on auto migration while applying, you can migrate to upper choice after the second or third merit list. Later, you can be selected for Bangladesh Sweden Polytechnic Institute or Dhaka Polytechnic Institute. But If you don’t turn on auto migration, you won’t go up. You have to study at Rajshahi Polytechnic. That’s it.
How O’Level Student Will Apply?
Ans: Students who have passed O’level; need to issue their mark sheet from Dhaka Board and make it SSC equivalent. Then they can apply and be considered the same as general SSC students. After collecting the SSC equivalent certificate from the Dhaka board, students have to go to the 412 number room of the OLD BUILDING for applying.
What About Quota Applicant?
Ans: After applying for admission and uploading all the required documents, students have to submit a print copy of the Applicant ID to the Eng. Md. Mostofa, industry liaison officer in 203 number room of the backside of the Bangladesh Technical education board building in time.