Mymensingh is a large district in Bangladesh. There is a polytechnic institute in this district name Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute. This polytechnic is one of a government-controlled polytechnic among the all 49 government polytechnic in Bangladesh. Today our blog has been decorated with all the important information about Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute. If the information about Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute is essential for you, read this article carefully.
Table of Contents
About Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute
Mymensingh Polytechnic is a government public polytechnic institute in Bangladesh. This polytechnic institute is located in Maskanda, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. It is one of a large polytechnic institute in Bangladesh. Over 2600+ students are read in this polytechnic. A total of 150 administrative staff are working in this polytechnic. All the academic activities of this polytechnic are controlled by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB).
Students Residential Hostel
There is an accommodation system in this polytechnic institute. To stay the male student there is the male hostel and also there is the female hostel for the female students.
Library And Medical Center
There is a library in this polytechnic with a lot of books including a departmental book, novels book, and short storybook. To increase the student’s knowledge this library plays a very important role. A medical centre is available on this institute to ensure the students with medical health.
There is a canteen on this polytechnic and this canteen serves many quality foods for the institute students.
A nice playground have this polytechnic institute. The institute students play in this field and refresh their minds.
History Of Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute
The Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute was founded in early 1963 with only 120 students and three departments namely Civil, Electrical and Mechanical. Gradually the other department has been added. Nowadays the Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute stands in a great place in the Polytechnic level in Bangladesh.

Educational Information
All the educational information about the Mymensingh polytechnic has been given below.
Departments with Seat Number
The Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute provide the diploma in engineering course with 7 departments. The department’s name and seat number have given in below.
Technology Name | Seat Number |
Computer | 50 |
Electrical | 50 |
Electro-medical | 50 |
Civil | 50 |
Electronics | 50 |
Power | 50 |
Mechanical | 50 |
Admission Qualification
To admit this polytechnic first you have to pass the SSC exam with minimum CGPA 3.50 for male student and CGPA 3.00 for female student and individual 3.00 in math or higher math. If a student has these qualifications, he/she can apply for admission to Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute.
Admission Quota
All the government polytechnic has been preserved some quotas. Also, this polytechnic has preserved some quotas at the time of admission like the female quota about 20%, SSC (vocational) 15%, minor ethnic group quota 2%, freedom fighter 5%, special needs student quota 5%, and 2% for children of officials or employees who are working in Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment.
Course Information
The Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute provide the 4 years diploma in engineering course in many departments. The 4 years divided into 8 semesters and the first 7 semesters in for academic education and the last semester is for the industrial attachment.
Class Schedule
The class of this polytechnic institute managed by two shifts. The first shift starts from 08:00 am and end at 12:00 pm. Again the second shift class starts from 01:30 pm and ends at 06:00 pm.
65% of students from each department got TK 1650 by regard to the internal merit list.
More: Dhaka Mohila Polytechnic
Contact Information And Official Website
Adress: Maskanda, Mymensingh
Phone: 88-091-54294
Fax: 88-091-54294
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